Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Bears Are Out Tonight!

This is a video that my friend Ellen's family took of an adventure in our back yard. We had left the garage door open and during dinner Rebecca and Mary told us there was a mama deer and her baby in our garage. We didn't think too much of it, but then they came back in a minute and said there was another cub with the mama. That got our attention and we realized they had said mama "bear" not deer! We all jumped up and from the safety of the upper deck, found them scrounging around looking for food. The mama dragged out a storage container full of costumes and was rude enough to not even try on the hat! She just walked over the top and went looking for more. Eric got some rocks and started throwing them at her to scare her away. She tried to catch them, thinking they were food. Eventually they wandered off, but it was enough excitement for us that evening!

Here is the link!


Holly said...

OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!! That's great that you got this on video! Hope you didn't lose anything in that box they dumped over. Those cubs are darling though!

Ms Muffin said...

Oh my, that would have totally scared me. No way I would have been able to hold a camera steady...